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Re: redundant office of redundancy

Hi, yes, debian-isp gets posts like this with some regularity.  I firmly
believe that no one is ever happy with the half-assed solutions they
come up with, and it's certainly not something you should have hosting
customers rely upon.  Mail isn't so difficult, but web traffic is a
different animal.

Basically you need a dynamic dns service for all your web sites, and you
also need to just switch to your "backup" IP address if your primary one
fails.  You'll have to worry about TTLs and such.  Or, have one DNS box
on each IP link, have each one have their own zone files, and use both
in your root server entries for all your domains.  That sounds sane,
because if a DNS query can't get to the server on DSL, the client will
query the one on cable, which will respond with a working IP.  Again you
need a really small TTL to make this function remotely.

Shops that want to do this "the right way" buy a couple of circuits from
service providers offering BGP, apply with ARIN for an ASN, and announce
their own space.  Sounds like that is well beyond your financial ability
since you are on DSL and looking at $50/mo for cable, though these days
it is probably within the technical grasp of many folks.

If anyone on this list has done this and is satisfied with their
solution I would like to hear about your experiences, however, I think
you will find that the general opinion is you need to colocate with some
bigger shop, or be satisfied with what you have, or resell.

On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 16:40, David Bishop wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Howdy!  As you can tell from my subject line, I am interested today in making 
> sure that I can always surf por^W^Wserve webpages.  My business (consulting & 
> small-time webhosting) is dependent on my always having an internet 
> connection.  Currently, I have a fairly stable dsl line that serves my needs, 
> but some stupid redback issues on my isp's side have made me wary.  I figure 
> the chances of both a dsl line and cable going out at the same time are 
> fairly small, and throwing $50 a month at the problem is acceptable.  Now, as 
> I'm planning on doing this, it begs the question(s): 1) how to aggregate the 
> bandwidth of both pipes into one, transparently (I will be using two 
> computers as well, might as well do it right); 2) how do you go about setting 
> up "failover", such that if one of the machines drops out, the other takes 
> over dns/mail/web?
> I know some of you out there are about to exclaim "Get your isp to do this, 
> idiot!"  Well, I'm large enough to seriously look at this, but small enough 
> (and geeky enough) that I'd really like to take care of it myself.  I have a 
> decent background in setting up linux as a firewall/proxy/nat box, and a 
> basic understanding of "real" routing.  Pointers, hints, tips, all are 
> welcomed gratefully.   
> To sum up: currently, my setup is 2 machines hot to the 'net, the rest nat'ed 
> off, all using 1 dsl and a block of ips, all nat routing through 1 of the 
> machines.  I would like to end up with dual-connections, bandwidth aggregated 
> through both the machines, and failover for high-priority services.  
> Thanks!
> - -- 
> D.A.Bishop
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
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> =T1Ff
> -- 
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Jeff S Wheeler               jsw@five-elements.com
Software Development            Five Elements, Inc

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