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Re: [BAD] the whole server down with a red-alert-like attack

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 22:16, Radek Hnilica wrote:
> I made the same experience with some testing script on one of my
> routers.  I run that script from cron to often.  When the conditions
> were good, the one run end before cron run the next.  But once the
> I resolved my problem with not running that script every minute but
> relax rules and run it vere five or ten munites.

IMHO something that runs every minute should not be in cron, even something 
that runs every 5 minutes possibly shouldn't be in cron.

A shell script that does the following should do:

while /bin/true ; do
  sleep 60

So if the script takes hardly any time to run then it runs every minute.  If 
it takes a lot of resources then it'll run only one copy at a time, and have 
a 1 minute break between runs (time for other programs to get some CPU time 

What would be handy would be to have a program that did all this, so I could 

/usr/bin/runevery 60seconds /usr/local/bin/something

To get the same result as the above shell script.

Then for even more protection it could have options to monitor and/or limit 
CPU usage and log to syslog.

Does this sound good?  If I get a dozen people sending me private email 
stating that they want to use such a program then I'll write it and add it to 
my logtools package.

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