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Re: Virtual Hosting

Original message:
> > How do you use Proftpd to serve more then one domain?
> > Name based Virtual Hosting seems to work only for
> > Apache, because of the protocol (HTTP 1.1).
> >
> > Is the only way to use IP-Aliasing?
> > (Have all IP's to be official?)


You do not need to have a separate IP address for every virtual host for
doing basic FTP for that particular account (such as uploading webpages).

You have a different user account for each website (virtually hosted).

You have a different home directory for each user (that also holds the
website docs/html.

Whatever ftp daemon you choose, the user logs in with his/her name and
they will be taken to their own directory. (And you can use chroot with
ftpd to make sure they only see their own directory.)

But if you need to have a variety of separate FTP download/upload sites
anonymous or not (and not associated with the website directories) then
you may need to have separate IPs.

  Jeremy C. Reed
echo '9,J8HD,fDGG8B@?:536FC5=8@I;C5?@H5B0D@5GBIELD54DL>@8L?:5GDEJ8LDG1' |\
sed ss,s50EBsg | tr 0-M 'p.wBt SgiIlxmLhan:o,erDsduv/cyP'

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