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Re: Apache and multiple virtual domains

We use sbox, which is sorta like suEXEC, but can put ulimit, processor usage, and disk space usage limits on each script that runs, in addition to running as a particular user.

We use mod_rewrite so that the end user just calls their scripts as normal (http://somedomain.com/cgi-bin/myperlscript.cgi), and it actually calls sbox and runs as the owner of the myperlscript.cgi. Works marvelously, and our clients don't even know we're protecting them from themselves. =P

It's written by Lincoln Stein (contributing author to WebTechniques and other publications). He's always been very prompt to answer any questions I've had.



On Thursday 26 April 2001 14:03, Andrew Savory wrote:
 On Thu, 26 Apr, 2001 at 12:21 +0200, Russell Coker wrote:
 > What I want to do is have multiple virtual hosts with each virtual
 > host=20 having a different UID for running CGI-BIN scripts.

 See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/vhosts/mass.html -- you may be able to do
 it with standard Apache config directives and possibly a little of

That page has no mention of how to dynamically chose UID's for accounts.  I
could possibly make it choose different cgi-bin directories dynamically and
have a UID specified for each directory.  But then instead of having to
change my configuration for each web site I have to change it for each UID
(which is just as much pain).

Thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn't seem to do what I need.

I want the cgi-bin for www.company.com to be run under the company.com
account (which will be in LDAP).  Then to create a new domain I put the FTP
accounts for upload and the cgi-bin account into the LDAP server, upload the
content (the FTP server creates the directory automatically) and then it all

http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/     Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/postal/       Postal SMTP/POP benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/projects.html Projects I am working on
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