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Re: PHP4 + ApacheVirtualHosts + SUEXEC

On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 10:03:45AM -0500, Eirik Dentz wrote:
| I also posted the following to the Debian Users mailing list:
| I have a virtual host configured under Apache 1.3.14 with SUEXEC support
| enabled.  My CGI/Perl scripts run as the USER/GROUP specified in the Virtual
| Host directive in my httpd.conf file as they should, but for some reason my
| PHP4 scripts don't.  Rather they are running as the default USER/GROUP
| specified in httpd.conf which causes my scripts to break when I use any
| file-manipulation functions.
| PHP4 is running as a DSO module.  I haven't tried it yet, but I figure that
| if I switch to using PHP4 as a CGI it will run as the Virtual USER/GROUP and
| solve this problem.  Is running PHP4 as a CGI the only solution?  Or is
| there a configuration that I can set in httpd.conf or php.ini?  Or a
| configuration flag that can be set when the PHP4 module is being compiled?
| Also, what are the disadvantages of running PHP4 as a .cgi?

I found that you cannot use Header() in your scripts. You must also activate ExecCGI
or place your .php files in the cgi-bin directory. Remember to chmod
the .php files with execute permissions.

| Any help would be greatly appreciated.
| eirik

I'm running suexec+php on a cluster with lots of
VirtualHosts it takes a lot of system resources. And is not that
fast. But it's the only way I have come up with for this kind of

.Fredrik Steen
- http://www.stone.nu -

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