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RE: PHP3 with GD support

I find a solution: compile a new version of gd.so!

In short terms, a wrote:

	cd /usr/src
	apt-get source php3
	cd php
	./configure --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include
	make        (<-- this is optional, I suppose)
	mkdir apache
	cd apache
	gcc -g -O2 -shared -fPIC -DCOMPILE_DL=1 -I.. -I.
		-I/usr/include/apache-1.3 -I/usr/include/freetype -o gd.so
		../functions/gd.c ../functions/gdcache.c ../functions/gdttf.c
		-lgd -lttf  -lc
	mv gd.so /usr/lib/php3/apache

This generate a new version of gd.so with png,jpeg & truetype support.

You can look a example at:


Header("Content-type: image/gif");
$im = imagecreate(500,400);
$white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255,255,255);
ImageTTFText($im, 50, 325, 50, 50, $white, "/usr/share/fonts/arial.ttf",
	"Testing... Omega: &#937;\r\nEspañoles: áéíóúñÑüÜ");

And with a little work I succeed to compile a version with libgd-gif
support plus (added -lgd-gif to gcc and

#define HAVE_GD_GIF 1

to config.h)

/ Asesora y Proveedora                   aprosi@aprosi.net
\ de Servicios de Internet, S.L.         aprosi@pucela.com

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