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Re: commercial offerings anyone

On Wed, 5 Jul 100, Allen Ahoffman wrote:

| Hello:
| Does anyone have Debian based commercial ofrerings of this kind:
| 1.  Terminal server for connecting one box to many serial devices such as
| 	routers, switches, other terminal servers for serial connectivity
| when network is down.
| 	Cheap dial in box for single line use.

I dont know of any debian based solutions, but you can buy cheap
Portmaster 2's to do exactly this, at a very cheap price point. A PM2-25
can do this easily, and can be had on the market for ~$500 -- and can hook
up to 25 hosts.

| Also, this is sort of off debian but if you have this 
| programs to take ip-accounting data from a router using IOS 12 or 12.1
| and create billable use data.
| Not rate data but use data.

sounds like you might want to look into caida and netflow

| We currently set up a system that
| collects stats every 5 minutes
| converts them to common log format for input to analog or webalizer, and
| then we run the log analysis on them
| This provides nice use reports for clients, but we get threshold exceeded
| message on the router and I am working on making that go away.
| I think we just need to raise the buffer allocation for this.
| Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
| Also anyone doing serious network troubleshooting and looking for some
| work send me an email atahoffman@announce.com I'll be happy to talk with
| you we need some things done.

There are also a few hacks around for MRTG that will allow you to bill
based on the 95th percentile, which is AFAIK, the common method.

I'd be happy to help you out with any network problems, free of charge,
feel free to send me (or even this list) your problems, and i will give it
my best shot.

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______________  /_______ ___  ____  /______  John Gonzalez/Net.Tech
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[---------------------------------------------[system info]-----------]
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