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Re: Wheel question

On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 05:17:05PM -0700, Don Hatch wrote:
> I hope this isn't too elementary but I was wondering how to set up Debian
> 2.1 so that only users in the wheel group can su to root.  I have done it
> on other distros but I can't seem to find where the right config file is
> under Debian.  I tried to add it to /etc/pam.d/other but it didn't seem
> to work.

Along with the other suggestions people have made, one can also use PAM to
do this. You'll need to make sure su requires the pam_wheel.so module and
checks the wheel group instead of the root group (as it does by default). I
have the following at the top of my /etc/pam.d/su:

auth       required   pam_wheel.so use_uid group=wheel

You will of course need to create a wheel group as Debian doesn't ship
with one by default.

Michael-John Turner          | http://www.edr.uct.ac.za/~mj/
mj@phantom.eri.uct.ac.za     | Linux @ UCT -> http://www.leg.uct.ac.za/
mj@debian.org, mj@icon.co.za | PGP key via mail, WWW or finger @phantom

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