Re: Harddrive Errors
Heheh, there is NO WAY in HELL I would run wdc on an ext2 partition. :)
At 09:59 PM 7/11/00 -0600, John Gonzalez/netMDC admin wrote:
>Depending on the mfgr of the drive, you should be able to boot off a
>floppy and run a utility to 'check' the drive for errors.
>WD has this and requires some users to run the util and report an error
>code before RMA... check with your drive mfgr for their policy.
| -=H E L L - J U S T D O N ' T V O T E F O R G O R E=- |
| George W. Bush Alan Keyes Hey, Atleast They're Not Robots |
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