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Re: List managers

I believe majordomo was taken out due to a security hole. -- It isn't open source.

Gregory Wood

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On 7/5/00 at 10:47 AM Javier Castillo wrote:

>Hi there,
>	I see that majordomo is non-free :(( ,
>	which list manager do you recommend me?, easy to admin, fast, and of
>course, gnu :))
>	Saludos.
>Javier Castillo Alcíbar. 	castillo@alhsys.es
>Alhambra Systems, S.A.	http://www.alhsys.es
>Telf: 34 - 1 - 91 304 18 00
>Fax: 34 - 1 - 91 327 31 31
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