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a question on "netstat"s output

hello everyone !  (sorry for the 1st misformatted email that i sent)

when i do _~$ netstat_ on my web server, i get the ff:

bangus:~$ netstat
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0  39595 bangus.myphilippine:www ME21-66.i-manila.c:1520 ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0    201 bangus.myphilippine:www      ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  20091 bangus.myphilippine:www     ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  25491 bangus.myphilippine:www cisco8-s1.pacific:56495 ESTABLISHED 

my question ...  what does the numbers 1520, 1129, 1551 and 56495 mean ?

thanks a lot and hope someone can shed me some light on this :-)


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