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Re: Multi-homing small ISP

At 12:44 PM 2/26/00 -0700, Nate Duehr wrote:
>You don't have to have your own IP space from ARIN to have another ISP
>route your /24.  BGP handles this fine.  Just negotiate with the second

I know that can be done but what is the minimum block size ISP's will route?
I've heard of some nationals not wanting to route even full class C's.  What
about a situation where a place had two /27's from different ISPs?  I think
any place would balk at adding a route for a measely /27.  Having one pipe
for outbound and the other for inbound might be a solution.  Or possibly
some kind of address translation to load balance between the two pipes, like
say IP over IP encapsulation.  Small block routing has always been a sticky

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