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WTF is up with apache?!

So I get the suexec to the point where apache actually sees it and now it
is chocking on all the scriptaliases in the confiles. Here is an example:

# www.decorwholesale.com
User omeganet                
Group email
ServerAdmin admin@acornworld.net
DocumentRoot /home/decorwholesale.com/www
ServerName www.decorwholesale.com
ErrorLog /home/decorwholesale.com/log/error.log
TransferLog /home/decorwholesale.com/log/access.log
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/decorwholesale.com/cgi-bin/

This is directly from the file. THIS WORKED FINE until the last update.
With this set up I get the following (tabs added for clarity):

==> /var/log/apache/suexec.log <==
[1999-12-11 13:33:01]: uid: (omeganet/omeganet) gid: (email/email) cmd:
[1999-12-11 13:33:01]: command not in docroot

==> /home/decorwholesale.com/log/access.log <== - - [11/Dec/1999:13:33:01 -0500] "GET
	/cgi-bin/secure/test.pl HTTP/1.0" 500 528

==> /home/decorwholesale.com/log/error.log <==
[Sat Dec 11 13:33:01 1999] [error] [client] Premature end of
	script headers: /home/decorwholesale.com/cgi-bin/secure/test.pl

Here is test.pl:

www:/home/decorwholesale.com/cgi-bin# ls -l secure/test.pl 
-rwxr-xr-x    1 omeganet email         342 Dec 11 12:36 secure/test.pl
www:/home/decorwholesale.com/cgi-bin# cat secure/test.pl 
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print <<HTMLF;
<META name="description" content="">
<META name="keywords" content="">
<META name="generator" content="CuteHTML">
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#800080">
Test Function

Again a perfectly working cgi until the update. 

Can any one see anything that I am missing or miss understanding?

Jaysen O'Dell 

   Oatka Data Solutions
        Technical Support -- <tech@oatka.net>

   AcornWorld Internet Services 
        System Administrator <sysadmin@acornworld.net>

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