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Re: Very huge email service

Interesting comments. Below I have added my observations...

> On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Baltazar Quinterno wrote:
> >Does anyone had to configure mail servers to serve 30 millon users,

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Russell Coker wrote:
> Let's start by doing some maths.  Assume that an average user checks their
> email through a single POP connection once a day.  Some users check their
> email every 5 minutes for several hours a day, some only once a week or less.
> Anyway if it's 30M POP connections per day then it's:
> 30,000,000/24/60/60 = 347 POP connections per second.

My system has 7200 accounts and 4905 mailboxes. If I approximate that I
have 5000 pop users, I'd have to multiply my figures my 6000 to reach
30,000,000. (My system averaged 189,447 good pop3 connections per week for
the last four weeks.)

 1,136,682,000 pop3 connections per week
 162383142.85 per day
 6765964.29 per hour
 112766.07 per minute
 1879.43 per second

> Now calculate storage.  If each email on average sits on your server for a
> day before being collected (the users who get the most mail check their mail
> most often) and the average is 30K/day then the disk space requirements is:
> 30M*30K = 900GB

If I multiplied my current mail spool (by 6000) it would have about 
7,717,350,000 KB of data.

  Jeremy C. Reed

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