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Re: How to limit it ?

Can you have the LDAP info sent across the network encrypted.
How fast is LDAP? How much data is sent.
> Have you considered using a NIS implementaion?  Setting up a central LDAP server to authenticate your users and services is not too difficult with the pam_ldap and nss_ldap modules.  With a properly setup server, you can set up your user records such that a user can only see their own, and you can then (mostly) dispense with the passwd/shadow files. (you still have accounts you want to be machine-local only though.)
> This gives you the added advantage of having a mobile user database that you can use between multiple machines.  Great for ISPs.
> -- 
> Ooh, look!  It's fluffy!
> **
> Concerned Citizen
> Bryon Roche, Kain <elvnhaqr@bigfoot.com>
> --  
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