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Re: IPv6 with Zen in the UK

Mike Crowe <mac@mcrowe.com> writes:

> Does anyone happen to have a working configuration using Debian pppd to
> connect to Zen Internet in the UK with working IPv6? It looks like IPv6 is
> expected to run over the IPv4 PPPoE connection. IPv4 is all working fine.

I don't know anything about Zen, but I have configured the ISP end of a
dual-stack PPP service many, many, many years ago.

And as you've found, PPP supports IPv4 and IPv6 just fine over one single

> I added:
>  +ipv6 ipv6cp-use-ipaddr
> to the provider file in /etc/ppp/peers and the pppd output looks promising:
> Apr  1 13:33:27 deneb pppd[117669]: rcvd [IPV6CP ConfReq id=0x1a <addr fe80::827f:f8ff:fe74:b4f3>]
> Apr  1 13:33:27 deneb pppd[117669]: sent [IPV6CP ConfAck id=0x1a <addr fe80::827f:f8ff:fe74:b4f3>]
> [...]
> Apr  1 13:33:27 deneb pppd[117669]: rcvd [IPV6CP ConfAck id=0x1 <addr fe80::4147:9ae5:df4d:be66>]
> Apr  1 13:33:27 deneb pppd[117669]: local  LL address fe80::4147:9ae5:df4d:be66
> Apr  1 13:33:27 deneb pppd[117669]: remote LL address fe80::827f:f8ff:fe74:b4f3
> and I can ping the remote link-local address successfully. I see occasional
> router advertisements, but they have a reachable time of 0ms.

So, this looks good.

> If I drop the "ipv6cp-use-ipaddr" then I get different link-local addresses
> for both the local and remote, but the router advertisements from the new
> remote still have a reachability time of 0ms.

This shouldn't matter at all, as long as the other end accpts the
interface-id you choose on your end.  You could probably make it
whatever you want.  It's local to your ppp tunnel anyway.

> I tried manually assigning an address from the WAN /64 that Zen gave me to
> the ppp interface and setting the default route to the remote link-local
> address, but I never got any responses from anything out on the real IPv6
> Internet.

The other end could be expecting you to use the negotiated interface-id
with that prefix.  But I believe it's more likely that they expect you
to use DHCPv6 for address configuration.  Did you try that?  It's quite
possible that they support DHCPv6-PD, assigning you a larger prefix.

Finding good DHCPv6 clients with PPP support used to be difficult (the
one from ISC only worked on ethernet).  I don't know the current status.
One would hope that modern network managers like systemd-networkd or
NetworkManager just works...

> I'm starting to wonder whether Zen really did turn on IPv6 support on my
> line correctly since I couldn't make it work with the router they sent me
> either.

That is of course possible.  But I find it likely that they would have
blocked the IPV6CP too then.


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