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Re: I need help configuring IPv6

Le 24/02/2022 à 08:45, Nathan Van Ymeren a écrit :

The relevant portion of /etc/network/interfaces is:

iface eno1 inet6 static
      address 2604:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::2/64
      gateway 2604:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::1

As far as I can tell from reading the debian wiki and whatever else,
it should work like this


but even ping6'ing the gateway gives "ping6:
connect: Network is unreachable".

It seems that the missing piece of the puzzle was this:  You can't
just add a default route (apparently).

You can as long as the router's address is in the interface prefix.

 You have to first add the
route to a specific interface.  It's not clear to me if this is
universally true,

It is not.

or just a consequence of something specific to my
setup (the server in question has multiple NICs).

I see only one interface eno1 in the routing table below.

# ip -6 route add blah:blah::1 dev eno1
# ip -6 route add default via blah:blah::1

where blah:blah::1/64 is the address my datacenter gave me for the v6
gateway router.

That should not be necessary.

I suppose v6 addresses aren’t really private.  The server is on 2604:5800:0:1f::2 and the gateway I was given is 2604:5800:0:1f::1

# route -A inet6

The output of "ip -6 route" is more compact and readable.

Kernel IPv6 routing table
Destination                    Next Hop                   Flag Met Ref Use If
localhost/128                  [::]                       U    256 2     0 lo
2604:5800:0:1f::1/128          [::]                       U    1024 1     0 eno1
2604:5800:0:1f::2/128          [::]                       U    256 2     0 eno1
fe80::/64                      [::]                       U    256 1     0 eno1
[::]/0                         2604:5800:0:1f::1          UG   1024 21     0 eno1
localhost/128                  [::]                       Un   0   27     0 lo
2604:5800:0:1f::2/128          [::]                       Un   0   10     0 eno1
fe80::/128                     [::]                       Un   0   3     0 eno1
fe80::28c:faff:fe0e:b01c/128   [::]                       Un   0   7     0 eno1
ff00::/8                       [::]                       U    256 5     0 eno1
[::]/0                         [::]                       !n   -1  1     0 lo

The direct route for 2604:5800:0:1f::/64 which shoud have been created by the quoted portion of /etc/network/interfaces is missing.

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