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Where's the documentation?

Can someone point me to good, correct documentation on how to configure IPv6 in Debian stable and oldstable?

A lot of people seem to have problems configuring IPv6 of Debian, with the main symptom being that a program trying to use IPv6 times out and falls back to IPv4. Googling for solutions reveals a surprisingly large number of people who have basically given up and resorted to disabling IPv6 completely.

Looking in /etc/network, there is a file called "interfaces" which has at the top:

# This configuration file is auto-generated.# WARNING: Do not edit this file, otherwise your changes will be lost.
# Please edit template /etc/network/interfaces.template instead.

But there isn't any file /etc/network/interfaces.template !

I'm using oldstable ( Jessie, Debian 8.10).

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