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IPv6 status on Debian for workstations / DHCP networks?

After getting servers onto IPv6, I recently had a go at trying to run
IPv6 on a LAN with workstations

Currently, for IPv4
a) dhcpd does not run on the router, it runs on a Debian server
b) the LAN uses DHCP and dynamic DNS updates between isc-dhcp and bind

For IPv6, radvd is on the router: it is not clear whether dhcpd has to
run on the router as well or can they be different hosts (e.g. radvd on
the router and dhcpd on the Debian server)?

This bug suggests that dynamic DNS updates are not possible with Debian,
but maybe that is not current information, I put a link to a conflicting

Is it strongly recommended to use any of the other dhcpd servers instead
of ISC?

Another issue is client configuration: it appears that NetworkManager
clients are able to work using stateless or stateful config

On the other hand, for somebody who does not want NetworkManager, what
is the recommended way to configure /etc/network/interfaces?  I notice
that there are different ways to configure it, e.g.

# for stateless
iface eth0 inet6 auto
# for stateful
#iface eth0 inet6 dhcp

Is there a way to configure the interfaces file to "just work" on any
network, without NetworkManager?

When I run ifdown, I notice that the IPv4 address is released and the
link is brought down before the dhclient -6 process finishes releasing
it's IP, the process then gets stuck for a while and logs various errors

Should NetworkManager and the interfaces file always bring up both IPv4
or IPv6 whenever possible or is it just one or the other?

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