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Re: IPv6 and DNS

On 2011-07-12T16:58:33-0400, Rick Thomas <rbthomas@pobox.com> wrote:
> +) Getting your reverse DNS (IPv6 address -> name) supported outside
> of your home network is difficult/impossible.  It's no problem, of
> course, *inside* the home network where you control the DNS server.
> [**]
> [**]  I haven't found a good free way to do reverse DNS outside the
> home network (either sense of "free" -- or even proprietary but
> inexpensive, for that matter!).  I'd love to hear from anyone who
> has!

Getting reverse DNS supported outside is easy if you use a Hurricane
Electric tunnelbroker.net tunnel. They allow you to delegate reverse
DNS lookups, so you can run your own authoritative DNS server for the
reverse zones, or host it wherever.

Kenyon Ralph

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