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Re: Tunnel between two IPv6 islands in an IPv4 ocean?

----- "Rick Thomas" <rbthomas55@pobox.com> wrote:
> In particular, Martin gave a very detailed example of what to put in /
> etc/network/interfaces.  I'm still working on understanding the  
> details of how that works (Any pointers to good documentation on /etc/
> network/interfaces and the programs that use it would be greatly  
> appreciated!)  If you could give a similar example for three (or  
> more) islands/tunnel-endpoints, it might make things a bit clearer to 
> me.
Another good source for information on IPv6 and tunnels is the SixXS FAQ (https://noc.sixxs.net/faq/), especially because it contains a bunch of examples for different operating systems and distributions on how to configure things.

In regards to my example, all it does is establish a 6in4 tunnel between two IPv4 end-points. The last route statement then is a default route to the other side (IPv6). Obviously, if you have IPv6 connectivity elsewhere, you might want to modify to suit your setup.

Kind regards,
Martin List-Petersen

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