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xinetd and IPv6


on a sarge machine the following entry causes problems:

service ftp
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/sbin/vsftpd
        instances       = 100
        per_source      = 10

This way, only IPv4 is available which is fine.

To enable IPv6 the manpage suggests to use the flags variable
and use "any combination of IPv4, IPv6 and other arguments".


	flags = IPv4 IPv6

will only expose IPv4 and no IPv6 although it's a combination of
both arguments.


	flags = IPv6

will expose the FTP service to both services.

This is a sarge box, so the behaviour might have changed for etch, but
since I don't have an etch or sid box with IPv6 enabled I cannot check
this.  I'd be glad if you could check whether this behaviour is still
the same and eventually file a bug report if the behaviour doesn't
match the documentation.

Thanks a lot,


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