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question About ipv6

hey there friends!
i have some new question , if somebodu can help me here
i have a trouble in my  local area computers
i am having trouble to make a connection to the email server using ipv6

windows computer when i configure thuntherbird email client to download
email from my server (debian)
mail6.myintranet [2001:b00:f80e:6c00::1]

the windows computer cpu get 99% 88%

however i did the same thing on linux workstation and everything just work

what can be that ?
is that a security trouble on my ipv6 local area network ? or i
missconfigured something in my dns server , because when i start to work
with ipv6 everything apparently was going fine.

what can be that ?
any ideas ?

     DEBIAN                Luis A. Rondon Paz
    L I N U X       .~.    Admin intranet CNT
   The  Choice      /V\    icq #132736035
      of my        /( )\   itachi@cnt.uo.edu.cu
   Generation      ^^-^^    Santiago de cuba
                   UONET           Cuba


Si planificas para un año, siembra trigo, si planificas para diez años,
planta un árbol, si planificas para toda la vida, edúcate

- Lao Tsé

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