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Problems getting radvd to announce routes and networks


I'm new here so please bear with me. :)

I have a machine (Debian) which makes a 6to4 tunnel to some tunnel broker on
the net, and locally ipv6 works:
root@nexus:~# ping6 -c 2 www.kame.net
PING www.kame.net(orange.kame.net) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from orange.kame.net: icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=355 ms
64 bytes from orange.kame.net: icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=355 ms

--- www.kame.net ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 355.013/355.073/355.133/0.060 ms

My configure script to setup ipv6 networking is as follows:
#! /bin/sh

/sbin/ip -6 route flush dev tun6to4
/sbin/ip link set dev tun6to4 down
/sbin/ip tunnel del tun6to4

ipv4=""; ipv6=$(printf "2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x::1" echo $ipv4 |
tr "." " ")

echo $ipv6

/sbin/ip tunnel add tun6to4 mode sit ttl 125 remote any local $ipv4
/sbin/ip link set dev tun6to4 up
/sbin/ip -6 addr add $ipv6/16 dev tun6to4
#/sbin/ip -6 route add 2000::/3 via :: dev tun6to4 metric 1
/sbin/ip -6 route add 2000::/3 via :: dev tun6to4 metric 1


Now I try to start radvd with this configuration file (/etc/radvd.conf):
interface eth0
        AdvSendAdvert on;
	MinRtrAdvInterval 3;
        MaxRtrAdvInterval 10;
	prefix 2001:5391:f51d:0006::/64
	 	AdvOnLink on;
                AdvAutonomous on;
                AdvRouterAddr on;

Then I try to (on a OpenBSD machine) run rtsol, and it sends router
soliciation messages to the ethernet network like this:
16:26:08.896360 IP6 fe80::20b:cdff:fe26:3bb1 > ff02::2: ICMP6, router
solicitation, length 16
16:26:12.906436 IP6 fe80::20b:cdff:fe26:3bb1 > ff02::2: ICMP6, router
solicitation, length 16
16:26:16.916518 IP6 fe80::20b:cdff:fe26:3bb1 > ff02::2: ICMP6, router
solicitation, length 16
But there is never any response to it. Now /var/log/daemon.log has the
following to say about radvd:
Dec  3 13:50:37 nexus radvd[10426]: version 0.8 started
Dec  3 13:50:37 nexus radvd[10427]: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
Dec  3 14:00:37 nexus radvd[10427]: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
Dec  3 14:05:05 nexus radvd[10427]: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
Dec  3 14:08:54 nexus radvd[10427]: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
Dec  3 14:16:17 nexus radvd[10427]: sendmsg: Operation not permitted

Also I configured on the host (nexus) an ipv6 address to eth0, and whenever
I ping6 it it complains like this:
root@nexus:~# ping6 -c 2 2002:5391:f51d::2
PING 2002:5391:f51d::2(2002:5391:f51d::2) 56 data bytes
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
--- 2002:5391:f51d::2 ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 999ms

I have tried to read google for hints howto get this working but I've gotten
nowhere. Is there some suggestions you might have as to howto get router
solicitation working? Is there something particular that I'm doing wrong
here? I have allowed --proto 41 through on nexus for INPUT, OUTPUT and
FORWARD, and I have a ip6tables firewall filtering stuff. Any hints will be
greatly appreciated.

kind regards,
Bo Granlund

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