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Re: about see ipv4 from ipv6

> Luis a écrit :
>> ghello list
>> i need a hand how to view ipv4 from ipv6
>> regards
> Hello.
> see "Trick Or Treat Daemon" & consorts for accessing ipv4 hosts from
> ipv6-only network.
> Or use dual-stack networking, to see ipv4 as ::ffff:
i dont know how
well i doing test here

i have this server ipv4 with ipv6(manually set) gateway to other ipv4 netwoks


i type ip -6 tunnel
sit0: ipv6/ip  remote any  local any  ttl 64  nopmtudisc

my server ipv6 is

4: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> qlen 1000
    inet6 2001:db8::c859:1/64 scope global  this one is ruteable on my
local  network , at least i can see it from others ipv4 with support
to ipv6
besides that i have in other server radvd with the scope 2001::


i have the net ipv4 eth0:1

how can i have route to the ipv4 networks and viseversa using only ipv6 on
the other computers in my local net /example

mylocalcomputer 2001:db8::201:80ff:fe05:e9c7
trying access to--------------> remote ipv4 computer

or to ----------------
------------->mylocalcomputer 2001:db8::201:80ff:fe05:e9c7


im reading a manual but when i am in the final step he just sayd to me
no route to host

# /sbin/ip tunnel add tun6to4 mode sit ttl <ttldefault> remote any local
bring interface up
 /sbin/ip link set dev tun6to4 up
Add local 6to4 address to interface (note: prefix length 16 is important!)
# /sbin/ip -6 addr add <local6to4address>/16 dev tun6to4
Add (default) route to the global IPv6 network using the all-6to4-routers
IPv4 anycast address
# /sbin/ip -6 route add 2000::/3 via :: dev tun6to4 metric 1

im stuck in there
help ?

> --
> Bastien.
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                           Luis A. Rondon Paz
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