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Re: Help with 6to4 on a router

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>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Singer <elf@buici.com> writes:
    >> Ok..
    >> I have 6to4 setup and working (I believe reliably) for some time
    >> now on my router.  Now I want my IPv4 (only capable of IPv4)
    >> machines behind this router to be able to browse and use IPv6
    >> hosts?  Is this possible?  How?  Thanks.

    Marc> That doesn't really make sense.

  It does. It makes lots of sense.

  There are 4to6 transition mechanisms that do stateless network address
translation to give IPv4 hosts IPv6 addresses. Yes, it's a proxy
mechanism.  I can't recall how many are in Linux, but *BSD has a number
of them build by the KAME folks. Read about the more esoteric options of
  Remember the v4 hosts are probably going to get NAT'ed anyway.

    Marc> If the ipv4 hosts have no ipv6 capabilities, how do you expect
    Marc> them to exchange packets with ipv6 hosts?  They won't be able
    Marc> to do DNS look-ups returning ipv6 address.

    Marc> Generally, ipv4-only hosts can only talk to ipv4 hosts.  You
    Marc> could do some gymnastics with proxying if you have specific
    Marc> sites you need to access.  You're better off enabling ipv6 on
    Marc> these machines.
  There many machines that just don't have good IPv6. With the state of
source address selection in linux, linux machines are barely adequate
for IPv6.

  I suggest installing a v6 enabled version of squid on your firewall,
and point all of your IPv4 machines to that as the web proxy. Of course,
that only does web, and doesn't take care of other things like IM, P2P,
  You may want to try SOCKS as well, but I think it's more of a pain.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Finger me for keys


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