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Re: IPV6 & Cable/DSL/Wireless Blockage

On Sunday 20 February 2005 04:20, Quantum Scientific wrote:
> If I set the gateway up as DMZ in the Belkin, I believe it is just bridged
> to the external interface.  This should mean it's virtually connected and
> the IP 4 address is "Y'ed" on both.  So there should be no way the gateway
> can get an IPV6 address.  But maybe tunnelling could happen, or a miracle
> could occur.   It has a web-based setup which shows all config, including
> the WAN 4 address.  But my gateway would still not have an external IP for
> the tunnel to Hurricane.

Maybe OpenVPN (http://openvpn.net/) will help you out. It can be used to 
establish tunnels trough NAT on the client side and it also supports IPv6 
tunneling. Your only problem will be ... to find anyone who give you a tunnel 
to his openvpn-server and to route you a IPv6 network.

> I can't believe this has never come up before.  I have searched all day.
> Another question would be does it route protos 50 & 51 (IPSec)?  It
> obviously routes ICMP, although nowhere in the literature is that
> mentioned.
> I just found out that Comcast (the cable ISP) doles out IPV6 addresses
> automatically to devices compatible.  But replacing the Belkin is not an
> option, due to cost.

With kind regards, Jan.
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