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Re: IPv6 DNS

Frederic Beck <frederic.beck@loria.fr> writes:

> /etc/bind/ipv6.renumbering.loria.fr:
> @	IN	SOA	ipv6.renumbering.loria.fr.	luffy.loria.fr. (

The first two parametres after "SOA" must be the name of the
primary server and the email address of the administrator (with
"@" changed to ".").

> /etc/bind/2001:660:4501:aaaa_64
> @	IN	SOA	ipv6.renumbering.loria.fr.	luffy.loria.fr. (


> $ORIGIN a.a.a.a.

That can't be right: the name doesn't end with a dot, so BIND
treats it as a subdomain of the current origin, resulting in
But adding the dot wouldn't be right either, as the origin would
then be outside the zone.  If you want to serve the same data for
both ip6.int and ip6.arpa, I think the easiest way is to remove
the $ORIGIN directive and put two zone statements in named.conf,
both pointing to the same zone file.

> *** Can't find aria.ipv6.renumbering.loria.fr: No answer

It might be helpful to enable rndc querylog and see whether the
query gets to the server.

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