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radvd & network problems


I'm trying to migrate my home lan from ipv4 to ipv6, but had problems
with radvd.
At the begining, it worked well, but now it didn't send any advert.
My logs are full of "radvd[32696]: sendmsg: Network is unreachable"

so, have you ever seen this ?

Basicly I have a gateway with 2 interfaces:
- eth0 which is connected to Internet
- eth1 which is connected to my LAN
It aslo have a pseudo-interface for the tunnel.

Here is my radvd.conf:
interface eth1
        AdvSendAdvert on;
        prefix 2001:960:2:3fa::1/64
                AdvOnLink on;
                AdvAutonomous on;

eth0 has inet6 addr: 2001:960:2:3fa:210:a7ff:fe20:fbb2/64
eth1 has inet6 addr: 2001:960:2:3fa:240:63ff:fec9:34a0/64
tun0 has inet6 addr: 2001:960:2:3fa::2/64

Any idea should be appreciated.


"Si quelque chose peut mal tourner, alors cela tournera forcement mal"
                                                      E. A. Murphy Jr.

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