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Re: Abnormal behaviour of ping6

On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 06:28:15PM +0530, Sharmila wrote:
> The ipv6 addresses are as follows:
> host1 eth0  =   fec0::e2d2:50:fcb2:7251 / 80
> router eth0  =   fec0::e2d2:50:fcb1:de7b / 80
> router eth1  =   fec0::a4b4:11:111b:9dd3 / 80
> host2 eth0   =  fec0::a4b4:50:fcb2:4574 / 80
> Added corresponding routes on host1 and host2

You have a default route from host1 to the gateway

How did you exactly configure this?

How did you route the packets on the router itself?  Did you just
assign the ip address (fec0::e2d2:50:fcb1:de7b/80) to the
interface and have the kernel add the route itself?  Or did you
manualy have to add a route?

> Now the problem is , ping6 from host1 to host2 is successful sometimes and 
> failure sometimes.In case of failure,it gives "Destination not 
> reachable:Address unreachable" message.

It stops working about 90 seconds after the last packet you send?
Then you send 1 packet from the other side (the router?) and it
starts working again?

If that is the case, it really sounds like the neighbour
discovery isn't working and it can't get the MAC address for it.


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