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Experience setting up IPv6 via 6to4 for Debian networks

Hi all,

I recently managed to get IPv6 and global addressing via 6to4 working nicely on all my Debian machines and networks. I thought I'd share how I did it because it's a little different from existing documentation, though pretty simple and the practical advice may help others who are still struggling. I also welcome feedback in case I have overlooked anything.

First of all to get IPv6 support ready in the kernel, I simply added the line 'ipv6' to each machine's /etc/modules. I'm using the various kernel-image-2.4* packages.

Next, I designated one host having a global IPv4 address on each of my IPv4-separated networks to be a 6to4 gateway. For each 6to4 gateway, I computed a 6to4 address based on the host's global IPv4 address using the instructions found here:


For example, the 6to4 address for became 2002:d17e:8efb::1. For convenience I will refer to these below as $ADDR_IPV4 and $ADDR_6TO4 respectively.

Then, for each 6to4 gateway I configured the tunnel interface using the /etc/network/interfaces mechanism by adding the following stanza:

    # IPv6 6to4 tunnel interface
    auto stf
    iface stf inet6 v4tunnel
            address $ADDR_6TO4
            netmask 16
            endpoint any local $ADDR_IPV4 ttl 64
up ip -6 route add 2000::/3 via :: dev stf metric 1
            down ip -6 route flush dev stf

(The $ADDR_6TO4 and $ADDR_IPV4 should be replaced with their respective literal addresses.) N.B. the 'iproute' package is required for the 'ip' command.

There are a couple of interesting things to note about this. The 'endpoint' line is a bit of a hack to add some additional necessary options to the 'ip tunnel' command run by 'ifup'. The other thing to note is the default route destination: is the official 6to4 Relay anycast address sanctioned by RFC 3068 to reach the nearest 6to4 Relay Router.

After bringing the tunnel interface up ('ifup stf' or reboot) this is sufficient for global IPv6 connectivity on each 6to4 gateway.

Next, to establish IPv6 connectivity on the internal networks behind each gateway, I installed the 'radvd' package on the 6to4 gateway/router machines. I assigned a global network prefix to each network based on the gateway's 6to4 address. For example, I assigned 2002:d17e:8efb:1::/64 to the network behind 2002:d17e:8efb::1. I also assigned a unique site-local network prefix to each network, for example fec0:0:0:1::/64. In the following example I refer to these as $GLOBAL_PREFIX and $SITE_PREFIX respectively. (The use of a $SITE_PREFIX is optional.)

In the following example $INTERNAL_IFACE is the name of the internal network interface (e.g. eth1). I configured 'radvd' on each 6to4 gateway/router machine in /etc/radvd.conf as follows:

    interface $INTERNAL_IFACE
        AdvSendAdvert on;

        prefix $SITE_PREFIX

        prefix $GLOBAL_PREFIX

I didn't find it necessary to add any other options; the defaults work.

After 'radvd' is reloaded with this configuration, the internal IPv6-enabled machines behind the gateway automatically receive their global and site-local IPv6 addresses.

Unfortunately 'radvd' doesn't seem to advertise to itself; each host running 'radvd' doesn't automatically obtain global/site-local IPv6 addresses for its own internal interface. To fix this, I added some additional lines to /etc/network/interfaces for the internal interface stanza on each router/gateway:

    # iface $INTERNAL_IFACE inet static
            # address
            # ... etc. IPv4 configuration
            up ip -6 addr add $SITE_PREFIX::1/64 dev $INTERNAL_IFACE
            up ip -6 addr add $GLOBAL_PREFIX::1/64 dev $INTERNAL_IFACE
            down ip -6 addr del $GLOBAL_PREFIX::1/64 dev $INTERNAL_IFACE
            down ip -6 addr del $SITE_PREFIX::1/64 dev $INTERNAL_IFACE

For example in one of my cases I've assigned fec0:0:0:1::1 as the site-local address and 2002:d17e:8efb:1::1 as the global address for the internal interface. (N.B. I've twisted my $*_PREFIX notation here a little to add the host identifier while keeping the net mask.)

This is also somewhat of a hack because I'm not aware of a way to configure an interface simultaneously as 'inet' and 'inet6' using this file's syntax. If your internal network is 100% IPv6, you can probably just use an 'inet6' stanza for the internal interface.

To make site-local addresses work across network boundaries, it's necessary to add some static routes. (If you aren't bothering with site-local addresses, you can ignore this part.) I did this by adding more statements to the 6to4 tunnel interface stanza of /etc/network/interfaces:

            up ip -6 route add $SITE_PREFIX via ::$ADDR_IPV4
            down ip -6 route del $SITE_PREFIX via ::$ADDR_IPV4

These should complement the prefix for the network connected to the router. For example, the router with site-local address fec0:0:0:1::1 adds routes to reach fec0:0:0:2::/64 (via fec0:0:0:2::1's IPv4-mapped address), and vice versa.

That's it! All machines now have full, global and site-local IPv6 connectivity.


  All machines:
      Debian packages
          Add 'ipv6' to /etc/modules

  6to4 gateway machines (machines with global IPv4 addresses):
          Add 6to4 tunnel stanza to /etc/network/interfaces

  Router machines (6to4 gateways for internal networks):
      Debian packages
          Configure /etc/radvd.conf with IPv6 network prefixes
          Configure /etc/network/interfaces with internal IPv6 addresses
Add static routes for site-local networks to /etc/network/interfaces


Rob Leslie

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