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IPv6 Sendmail+Milter


In reply to a message that got forwarded to me recently, regarding libmilter
and Sendmail with IPv6 enabled. I'd like to get in touch with users that
are unable to run their milter software with an IPv6 enabled Sendmail. I tried
earlier (with 8.12.6 or so) but every connection to my IPv6 enabled MTA would
not be passed on to milter (at all). Now, with some compiletime tweaks, I
managed to get my own milter progam to function just fine with Milter.

If anybody's interrested, I could figure out what it was exactly that made
things work (it was something in site.config.m4) and post that to this list
so the .deb maintainers can see if that helps.

Pim (a non-debian user :)
Met vriendelijke groet,     /\ ___/
Pim van Pelt               /- \ _/  Business Internet Trends BV
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