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Re: xinetd and IPv6

On Tuesday, Sep 3, 2002, at 05:44 US/Eastern, Jason Williams wrote:

Is the package listed incorrectly, or does the package need building with
the IPv6 option, or is there some other reason?

I can state that on a certain other distro, beginning with 'R' and ending with 'whack your config files', it has ipv6 support (or maybe there is a second package). However, some of the daemons it runs really don't like that.

Because of that, I have to run *two* instances of xinetd, one with ipv6 and one without.

That was a royal pain. Especially since it wasn't all that obvious why things broke (amanda had serious errors the night after I installed the ipv6 version). Good hour debugging that one.

Any IPv6 version debian ships must use a different directory than /etc/xinetd.d! Otherwise, things will break.

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