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Re: can't get ipv6 working

On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 10:49:07PM +0200, Filip Van Raemdonck wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to get on the sixbone but it won't work.
> Attached is the script I use to bring everything up.
> addr=$(ip addr show dev ppp0 | sed -n 's/^.*inet \([0-9\.]*\) .*$/\1/p')
> addr=$(printf "%x%x:%x%x\n" $(echo $addr | tr . " ") )
> addr="2002:$addr::1"

You might want to try "2002:$addr::$addr" here instead, it worked for me
while ::1 didn't.  You could also try another gateway, Microsoft has (had)
one at :: :)

Tommi Komulainen                                 Tommi.Komulainen@iki.fi
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