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Fwd: IPv6 capable portslave

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Subject: IPv6 capable portslave
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 21:49:33 +0100
From: Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au>
To: portslave@linuxrouter.org

Version 2001.11.18 of portslave will talk via IPv6 to a RADIUS server.  I
have used tcpdump to confirm that the packets are being sent, but lacking an
IPv6 capable RADIUS server I can't be sure that they are usable.

I've put it on http://www.coker.com.au/portslave/ for those of you who want
to play with it.

This does not allow you to specify prefixes for clients etc.  All it does is
allow specification of IPv6 for the RADIUS server.

If you want to actually use IPv6 for anything then this is of no use to you.
If you want to help with IPv6 development then this should make you happy!

If you are thinking of doing IPv6 coding and want some UDP coding examples
then I think that some of the code in there is worthy of copying.  ;)

Now I'll add IPv6 to FreeRADIUS...

http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/     Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/postal/       Postal SMTP/POP benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/projects.html Projects I am working on
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