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Re: (usagi-core 01157) Re: broken IPv6 code (attached exampled app)

In article <3A551CB3.DEFC8DCF@vianova.at> (at Fri, 05 Jan 2001 02:00:35 +0100), Rene Mayrhofer <rene.mayrhofer@vianova.at> says:

> If Linux/glibc is wrong here, who should be contacted ? 
>[Read: Who is easier to convince that something should be 
> changed - the kernel IPv6 maintainer(s) or the glibc maintainers ?] 
> Or is it a glibc problem at all (could (2) be done in glibc
> without changes to the kernel part) ?

Please contact us, USAGI Project.

> Attached is my simple IPv6 client/server testing application 
> (uses C++ just for convenience) that checks for this failure. 

These are results on our kernel with CONFIG_IPV6_DOUBLE_BIND.
Note: I've committed CONFIG_IPV6_DOUBLE_BIND support into our
cvs repository. You might want to try it.

**** connectin via ipv6 ****
% ./a.out -m s -p 12345
Starting in server mode.
Listening on address ::, port 12345.
Listening on address, port 12345.
Received 25 bytes from address ::1, port 1026: 'Fri Jan  5 11:22:03 2001'
Leaving server mode.

% ./a.out -m c -p 12345 -s ::1
Starting in client mode.
Current time is Fri Jan  5 11:22:03 2001
Successfully sent timestamp to address ::1, port 12345 and received acknowledge.
Leaving client mode.

**** connection via ipv4 ****
% ./a.out -m s -p 12345
Starting in server mode.
Listening on address ::, port 12345.
Listening on address, port 12345.
Received 25 bytes from address, port 1026: 'Fri Jan  5 11:21:50 2001'
Leaving server mode.

% ./a.out -m c -p 12345 -s
Starting in client mode.
Current time is Fri Jan  5 11:21:50 2001
Successfully sent timestamp to address, port 12345 and received acknowledge.
Leaving client mode.

Hideaki YOSHIFUJI @ USAGI Project  <yoshfuji@linux-ipv6.org>
PGP5i FP: F731 6599 5EB2 BBA7 1515  1323 1806 A96F 5700 6B25 

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