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Re: HOWTO: Join the 6bone!

On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Dariush Pietrzak wrote:

> > Well, all is settled, then. There are no issues between ipv6 and netlink.
> > Thank you for the follow up.
> So there is nothing wrong with ipv6 built as module?
> because I have no success in joining 6bone from debian wether I build ipv6
> as module or not.

Since fixing my process for building kernels (to be precise, I do a
"make-kpkg clean" before doing a "make-kpkg kernel-image --revision
<whatever>") I have no difficulty with running IPv6 support built as a
module. In any case, the fact that it doesn't work any better with the
IPv6 support built in than it does with IPv6 built as a module indicates,
to me, that the problem is either in the IPv6 support itself or the
configuration.  Hope for the configuration because it's easier to fix the
configuration than the code.

I had a considerable chunk of difficulty getting it all set up properly,
but now I think I understand what's going on.  I also think I have started
to develop a toolset for the successful diagnosis of IPv6 difficulties.

> my debian machines can only ping themselves successfully.
> tried iproute2 and manual configuration with no success.
>  on solaris this went really smooth.
> I think I need a checklist or some detailed howto on 6bone under linux.
> any help?

Well, what do you get if you run "ifconfig"?  What about "route -A inet6"?
The same information should be displayed if you do a "ip -6 route list".

Also, is the computer you're talking about the tunnel endpoint, or do you
have separate router?  If you have a router, what's the IPv6 address of
that router and is it running radvd?  Do you know how the other end of the
tunnel is configured?
Jonathan Guthrie (jguthrie@brokersys.com)
Brokersys  +281-580-3358   http://www.brokersys.com/
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

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