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Problems when setting up tunnel,

I am having really strange problems when trying to set up ipv6 tunnel,
 i got a tunnel from a site near-by and to check what's wrong
 I have also tried to set up freenet6's tunnel.
My setup is something like this:
 ifconfig sit0 up
 ifconfig sit0 tunnel ::
 ifconfig sit1 up
 ifconfig sit1 add 3ffe:b00:c18:1fff:0:0:0:2c1
 route -A inet6 add 2000::0/3 gw fe80:: dev sit1
and this doesen't work at all... 
when I try to ping6 anything it waits for ages.. and I get reply only from
my own IP, for other hosts no reply.
I've tried similiar setup with ip from iproute, 
and I am still stuck, what am I missing?
I've got ipv6 in module so I do modprobe ipv6 before playing with this.
also - why can't I rmmod ipv6 even though I did ifconfig sit0 down,
ifconfig sit1 down and ifconfig eth0 del 3ffe:b00:...sth.. 

Should I use prefixes? like 3ffe:... /96 everywhere?
My tunnel on solaris8 started running right away, so what's wrong with me?

regards, Eyck

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