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Re: Debian web page?

Hi Culus.

> If someone tests apache vhosting support then I can install it again on
> pandora - even better would be to get upstream to accept a patch ... You'd
> think apache would be fairly simple to update.

Yesterday evening Remco was testing all the thingies he put
on ftp.ipv6.nl thanks to Mr. Kitame (sp??) and even the ellipse
ftp server worked with native IPv6 as well as Ipv4.

I then took all my courage and installed the apache beast
on toolnine(.argh.org, www.freecddb.org or ipv6.argh.org
and stuff running on it) and it *definitely* worked like
a charm, there was no problem at all, it behaved just like
it should behave. Even some really weird access controls
worked for IPv4 access.

What about someone testing ellipse and see after it? Would
be neato to have that (if it proves to work) on pandora. ;-)


Btw, I will *definitely* see after us getting a pTLA for
debian-6bone (at least I sent a mail to Bob Fink). Now, 
Cistron has 3FFE:604:5::/48 (whois -h whois.6bone.net cistron
for more) and a pTLA is about a /29 (or /25) nowadays. Waste. :)
Any comment on whether I should try to get this done or not?
Dear Cistron guys, what is your opinion on that?

That is all for today. Weekend starts. ;-)

(aka Efraim on irc and efraim@argh.org in private <g>)

SGH Internet Division, Alexander Koch, Systems Administration
Hannover, Germany, Phone +49 511 909198 0, Fax +49 511 391307

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