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Re: Some IPv6 patched packages are available

According to Alexander Koch:
> Me again.
Sorry for the lack of responses from my side... but i'm in the midst of
my retakes so i'm sort of short on time...

> I think there has been consensus (sp?) on what to do
> with with update-inetd and inetd (tcp6 etc.). Now, what about
> doing a proper netbase build that is capable of doing that,
> maybe including tcp-wrappers, so the other package might start?
As i recall the consensus was that we have the following:
	tcp/udp		== AF_INET4
	tcp4/udp4	== AF_INET4
	tcp6/udp6	== AF_INET6

I think i had patches inetd for that situation but i'm not sure anymore and 
have no time to look into that at the moment.. So if anyone is interested,
just get the 'latest' source from ftp.ipv6.nl...

One of the problems i ran into is patchen update-inetd... i have started on
that one but sortof came to the conclusion that if you want to do it the right
way you'd have to rewrite the entire update-inetd stuff, which is to much work
for me at the moment. Though if someone has other thoughts on that i'd be more
than happy to share my thoughts on the situation..

> And what is happening to dents? Michael?
Er.... well we're currently doing a wrapup to have 0.1.0 released. This one
doesn't have AF_INET6 socket levels support, ofcourse it has the plain old
AAAA RRs but after the 0.1.0 is released i'll start working on the AF_INET6
support, the EDNS queries etc... etc..

Michel Onstein     |   CistroN Group    |  Linux-, Internet-
promera@cistron.nl |                    |  Telecom specialists

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