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Bug#1019453: ibus: IBus doesn't work correctly in apps that don't support surrounding text

Control: owner -1 gunnarhj@debian.org

Thanks for your report, Eberhard.

On 2022-09-09 18:19, Eberhard Beilharz wrote:
A fix a while ago changed the IBUS_CAP_SURROUNDING_TEXT capability to
basically be a compile-time flag. This makes it impossible for ibus
engines to detect whether or not a client supports surrounding text.
This affects for example ibus-engine-keyman with the "IPA (SIL)"
keyboard, which doesn't work correctly in Chromium (which doesn't
support surrounding text).

Upstream bug: https://github.com/ibus/ibus/issues/2354
Upstream fix: https://github.com/ibus/ibus/pull/2436

It would be good with some more input about the approach in your upstream PR. Best if it gets merged upstream, of course. So I'm going to wait a week or two before adding it as a patch in Debian.

It will be fixed in Debian sid/bookworm and Ubuntu 22.10 (i.e. ibus 1.5.27) to start with. If it's considered important enough for updating stable releases, more paperwork will be needed.


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