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Bug#983695: ibus-anthy: does not work out of the box on the GNOME desktop

But wait now...

In <https://bugs.debian.org/983653> you write:

This is caused by the change in the gnome-shell package (Bug#815050)
to add "Recommends: ibus", which breaks any non-ibus input method
framework (Bug#941624),

As far as I understand that is not correct, at least not any longer.

We did have an issue with im-config where the presence of IBus disabled im-config and prevented you from configuring some non-IBus input method framework. That issue has been fixed, and in Bullseye you will be able to configure e.g. Fcitx or UIM via im-config.


It's true that GNOME favors IBus over other frameworks, and it may be motivated to default to IBus on GNOME for e.g. Japanese. However, right now I fear that you are about to make a few last minute changes for the wrong reason.

I may well have missed something here, but it would be good if you could try to explain exactly how the mere presence of IBus breaks the previous setup for Japanese users.

(I do realize from your merge request that you want to spare the users from the trouble of going to Settings and add an input method.)


Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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