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Bug#977476: im-config leaves fcitx5 in defunct/Z state

On 2020-12-15 15:39, Shengjing Zhu wrote:

$ ps aux|grep fcitx
zhsj        1011  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    Nov30   0:00 [fcitx5] <defunct>
zhsj        1014  0.0  0.5 604268 123632 ?       Sl   Nov30  10:50 /usr/bin/fcitx5 -d

fcitx5 process is in defunct state.

By changing `/usr/bin/fcitx5 -d 2> /dev/null &` to `/usr/bin/fcitx5 -d
2> /dev/null` seems to fix the problem, but I have no idea about it.

I see that fcitx has that '&' too.

My guess would be that it's redundant, since it's run as daemon anyway due to the '-d' option.

Looking at other *.rc files, ibus uses the '--daemonize' option and does not have '&'. scim uses the '--daemon' option and does not have '&'. In other cases I see that new processes are started via '&'.

So let's drop the '&' for fcitx and fcitx5 and be attentive to possible feedback.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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