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Re: Request moving things to team maintainership

Daniel Glassey <wdg@debian.org> 于2018年10月23日周二 上午11:28写道:
> Hi,
> I'd like to move the maintainership of the Keyman (www.keyman.com) related packages to the input method team.
> kmflcomp and libkmfl and scim-kmfl-engine already in Debian
> ibus-kmfl being prepared for upload
> others to come closer to the first official release for Linux
> kmflcomp is on salsa already at https://salsa.debian.org/wdg/kmflcomp
> Can that be moved to the team?
> Can I be changed to Maintainer status on the team to add the packaging of libkmfl and ibus-kmfl?

Granted since you are a Debian Developer. Welcome to the team and here
are some points:

* For every created repository, please add Debian group as maintainer
as well so that all Debian Developers can modify repos here.
* Please ask Salsa admins at https://salsa.debian.org/salsa/support
when moving repo, which is better than creating & deleting.

Boyuan Yang

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