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[Pkg-ime-devel] Bug#864913: ibus: New upstream release (1.5.16)


Now upstream released 1.5.17 in which I think he dropped debian
directory upon my request.

On Sun, Dec 03, 2017 at 10:44:09AM -0500, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 7:55 PM, Jeremy Bicha <jbicha at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > I'm attaching a git patch to fix your debian/watch file. It currently
> > reports the latest version as "6" which is not correct.

The root cause was my buggy regex in uscan.  That has been addressed and
stable package has been fixed.  Sorry about causing problem in many

> The watch file you added in 1.5.14-2 is wrong because it uses the git
> tarball instead of a tarball that has ./configure already ran. I

I am not exactly sure what you mean.


You mean these are different?  Which one?  I am a bit confused.

> couldn't use that tarball to easily build the package.

Here in my local repo for 1.5.16, I am adding this to debian/rules

+	dh_autoreconf ./autogen.sh -- $(CONFIGURE_FLAGS)

> The git history after 1.5.14-3 is also a bit messed up.

I was going to package 1.5.16 .. thus I have such history.  But I shouldn't
push it until I get them to upload.  Now that you have patches to old source
tree, I have second thought...

>  Here's how I suggest fixing it:
> Temporarily allow force pushing
> ----------------------------------------
> ssh git.debian.org
> cd /git/pkg-ime/ibus.git
> Edit the config file to set denyNonFastforwards = false
> Now back on your local branch ?
> Reset branches
> --------------------
> git checkout master
> git reset --hard debian/1.5.14-3
> git am 0001-Fix-debian-watch.patch
> (this is the patch I am attaching to this email)
> git push -f
> git checkout upstream
> git reset --hard upstream/1.5.14
> git push -f
> git checkout pristine-tar
> git reset --hard d029a77
> git tag -d upstream/1.5.15
> git tag -d upstream/1.5.16
> git push -f
> git checkout master
> Disable force pushing
> ----------------------------
> Edit the config file on git.debian.org back to
> denyNonFastforwards = true

OK, rewriting history may not be good idea in general but maybe this time ...

I am a bit short on time these days.

> Other
> -------
> Make sure your build directory and tarball directory don't have any
> old copies of the 1.5.15 and 1.5.16 tarballs.

By the way, this repo uses pristine-tar branch to store them and I use gbp.
Unless those are bad, I thought having old tars are OK.

I am not sure if the history rewriting is OK for these branches too.
> When you are ready for a new version (I think anything newer than
> 1.5.14 is blocked on your cldr package), you can run uscan and gbp
> import-orig like normal.

Yah,  cldr is stack in new.  This is really annoying.

> Let me know if you need any help.

But let me sleep now.  I think I need to cut down on packaging.  Are you
willing to take over this package?  I am completely behind these days.

Thanks and best regards,


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