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[Pkg-ime-devel] ibus-table

Hi ibus-table folks,

I am a Debian packager belonging to pkg-ime group
   pkg-ime-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org

Here is my questions and their background.

== Question ==

 * Is there any new released tar ball newer than 1.5 for ibus-table? Where?
 * Any plan to merge these 2 git repos mentioned below (or are they in sync?)
 * Any thing I miss with below plan? (Question to Yuwei Yu)
 * Which ibus are you supporting: 1.4 or 1.5 series
 * Can you comment on your source and its difference from your POV?
   (Such difference may be made to switchable by user for released
    package if they are properly identified.)

Thank you in advance for your help.

== Background ==

While I was at updating ibus-table package on Debian for upcoming ibus
1.5.x, I got confused what to do.

The ibus package page leads to 2 github sites
   https://code.google.com/p/ibus/ link to ibus-table
     --> https://github.com/acevery/ibus-table/tree/master
         $ git clone https://github.com/acevery/ibus-table.git
     --> $ git clone git://github.com/kaio/ibus-table.git ibus-table

As I checked both github, they seem to be updated almost independently
and both are active recently.

Also, kaio's repo has 1.6 and 1.7 as tag.  But neither show up in ibus
site as new tar.

Redhat FC19 seems to use snapshot of kaio's repo as the upstream by Mike.

This makes me to think kaio's repo is exposed to larger audience lately
and at least, Mike had reason to use this.

Since I see no new tar ball, I will likely to make snapshot tar.

My thought is to use kaio's git repo as base and merge at least spelling
changes such as: 

-Yu Yuwei <acevery at gmail.com>
+Yuwei Yu <acevery at gmail.com>

If Yuwei requests.  (I see such commits in Yuwei's repo)

(I speak no Chinese so I can not make any significant work of merging
repo contents beyond this.)



PS: Debian ibus-table package is numbered strangely for now.  But if we
see 1.6 or newer upstream tar, we can get back to the sane version.
This is our selfish reason behind asking this question.

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