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[Pkg-ime-devel] Bug#611190: Works like a charm now

Le jeudi 22 septembre 2011 15:26:45, Thomas Preud'homme a ?crit :
> Hi there,
> I tried again today and it now works like a charm. I'm sorry I can't put a
> version in it but anyway, I have the feeling the problem was solved thanks
> to another component change. Thanks for maintaining ibus.

I don't remember what I did in my tests but I supposed I had deactivated ibus 
by mistake. I reinstalled ibus this WE and the problem is still present. I 
managed to make it disappear by installing qt4-qtconfig and running qtconfig to 
set ibus as the input method. It would be nice if qt4-qtconfig could be at 
least recommended by ibus-qt4 and the procedure of running qtconfig documented 
unless it is supposed to work without qtconfig in which case there is a bug.

Best regards,

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