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[Pkg-ime-devel] Fwd: libopencc1

2011/12/7 LI Daobing <lidaobing at debian.org>:
> [...]
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Li, Tod <litkt at yahoo.de>
> Date: 2011/12/7
> Subject: libopencc1
> To: lidaobing at debian.org
> ????
> ???
> ???fcitx-modules?libopencc1????dep??rec??

libopencc1 is a required dependency of the chttrans module of Fcitx in
Debian and is decided at build time. If you don't have libopencc1 on
your system, then the module will probably crash (so cannot be loaded
when Fcitx starts).

I understand about your question: the overall size of fcitx-modules is
quite small (~300k install size), but libopencc1 is a little big (~9m
install size). There are two possible solutions I can think of:

1.Split this module into a separated package, so users can choose not
to install it.
2.Build two flavors of that module and install into two packages: one
with opencc support, the other not.?

The first solution is rather easy to implement, but it does not fit
everyone's need; the second one need to do a bit more changes to fcitx
package, which I don't have time to deal with them right now -
volunteer needed!

Aron Xu

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