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[Pkg-ime-devel] About set IME Packaging Team as Maintainer

2010/7/8 Asias He <asias.hejun at gmail.com>:
> You will be soon familar with bzr once you use it. It is simple. I had concerns
> when i was trying to use bzr to maintain package, because I had zero knowledge
> about bzr at that time. But finally I got used to bzr to maintain
> debian package. :)
> It's very convenient to use launchpad to maintain debian package. And
> you could try
> bzr-builddeb, you would love it.
Thanks,  I'll have a try, I'm tuning sunpinyin recently, it failed to
build in lenny environment.
> --
> Best Regards
> Asias He

Liang Guo

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