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[Pkg-ime-devel] RFS: scim-kmfl-imengine

Ming Hua wrote:
> Scim package is already set up to handle all_ALL, it just doesn't set it
> to default (and it shouldn't). I believe no packages that currently use
> im-switch change all_ALL by default. 
Can you explain what you mean by scim being set up to handle all_ALL? On 
all the Debian and Ubuntu systems I have seen 
/etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_ALL is linked to 
/etc/alternatives/xinput-all_ALL which is linked to 
/etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default. From what I can see, since all_ALL is 
ultimately linked to default, then the default behaviour for any locale 
which does not have an input method explicitly assigned to it via 
im-switch is to have no input method. Is it that 
/var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/xinput-all_ALL has entries for both scim and 
scim-immodule, and thus provides the ability to use im-switch or 
update-alternatives to set the im for all_ALL to scim or scim-immodule? 
I think a light bulb just went on in my head and I now understand the 
alternative system a bit better.
> I feel the best way to handle the
> situation in scim-kmfl-engine is to have a debconf question explaining
> the need to use GTK+ IM module, then offer to set it, with default to no
> (I still don't think it shouldn't be changed unless the user/admin
> explicitly asks). And when the answer to the question is yes, do things
> along the line of "update-alternatives --set xinput-all_ALL
> /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/scim-immodule" or "im-switch -z all_ALL -s
> scim-immodule".
This makes sense. Right now, I am anxious to get scim-kmfl-imengine into 
Debian before Dec. 13 since this is the cut off date for Ubuntu's Hardy 
Heron. I am not sure if this is possible now, but if it would make it 
easier for a sponsor to upload kmfl to Debian, I would be willing to 
forgo having scim-kmfl-imengine do any postint/prerm. Perhaps I would 
add it at a later date, when all the ramifications have been sorted out.

A quick search on the web shows that kmfl is being used with 
Ubuntu/Debian distros despite there not being a complete version in 
Debian. It would be good to make it official.

Doug Rintoul.

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